Monday, August 6, 2012

Mon 8/6/12 10:35 AM

Hello from Limerick!‏

Hi-ya! (they say that alot here),

Another week has come and gone. Crazy!!! But this week was slower. But God always makes up for that. This week He helped me by sending me the love from home this week. Thank you Amanda, Mom, Dad, and others for the package. It was absolutely perfect! My zone leaders and district leaders are all from america and they missed easy mac too, so I gave each companionship a box. We are all thankful for your kindness. The candy was amazing and the cookies stayed tasty. Can't thank you enough for it all! Then I got 5 letters that were forwarded from the mission home. 3 from mom and dad, one from Kaeli-ann and one from Tracy. LOVE IT! So thank you for all the love this week. Really kept me going as we were cancelled on time and time again. But the spiritual experiences keep rolling in. But nothing super exciting to report this week. Good week nonetheless. So I will answer some of Dad's questions. Hope you all find interest in it :)

Did any of the Elders/Sisters from the MTC come to your District or Zone?
One Elder from the MTC is my district leaders new companion. Talk about stress... being district leader and trainee but my district leader, Elder King is wonderful. Along with Elder McCarthy the Elder from the MTC.

How many missionaries in the Scotland/Ireland Mission?  How many baptisms do they say a typical missionary might have?
I believe there are about 60 missionaries in the Scotland/Ireland Mission. BUt could be completely wrong. And typical baptism I think is 3-5?

One of these emails, give us a run down of your typical day.  What time you get up, what your morning is like, when you have to be out of your apartment, what time you have to come in??
You will all be jealous of my schedule. It is so ideal :)
6:30 Wake up. Which I do quite nicely suprisingly
6:30-7 Exercise which consists of lots of stretch, a few sit-ups, a few lunges, and push-ups if I decide to get crazy :)
7-7:20 get dressed and ready
7:20-7:50 short nap :)
8-9 Personal study and breakfast! I love personal study
9-10 Companion study and planning
10-11 Training study. 12 week program thing I do with my trainer
11-9 We visit investigators, less actives, members and when we don't have a meeting with someone we talk to people around us and try to find those that are prepared to hear the word. Between this time we get an hour for lunch and dinner.
9-9:30 review and planning
9:30-10:30 ready for bed
10:30 lights out.

Sometimes it varies of course but that is a typical day. I love when we meet with Sister Smirnov. She is my favorite member. Then this week we met, Claire, she has met with many missionaries but she just doesn't want to committ to baptism or church. I think she will be my favorite investigator. She is so sweet. We probably shouldn't have favorites but... it is just too hard when you meet amazing people.

One last story and then I will answer the other questions next time. Yesterday was an amazing fasting experience for me. Strengthened my faith like crazy. I fast for lots of thing but have few I am fasting for with more focus. Hope you know what I mean. But yesterday Sis. Jedlickova was not feel well so we stayed in the flat while she napped for a bit. But I decided I would study a little more. So I read and just felt so much peace and love from Heavenly Father. I fasted that I would have more confidence to talk to people. As we went out that night I know God helped me so much! I was the first to talk to someone and I talked to alot more then usual and one guy even accepted us to teach him more. Seriously God is amazing. I know it is because I decided to study and not sleep since I was not sick that I felt that peace and confidence. God will bless us when we are obedient. Well got to go. Hope everyone has a great week! Love you all

Love, Sister Nicoll

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