HI-ya Family and friends,
There have been loads of things that have been fun since I last emailed. First was last Monday a couple in the branch was kind enough to take us to a place called Linlithgow palace. IT WAS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!! It was a bit windy but seriously could not have asked for a more beautiful day to go. We ran all over the palace because there were so many staircases and rooms to see. Wish you all could just come here and see it. And sadly I forgot my camera back at the flat so the pictures will have to wait til next week. Then the members had us back at their flat and feed us potatoes, peas and HAGGIS! Classic meal and it was yummy. I think everyone reading this should be proud of me.. especially dad... I love most every food people give us here. I like all veggies and fish and most everything else. I still do not like baked or refried beans too much. But I think the Scottish and Irish really know how to good really well. I love dinner appointments here. :) Anyways.... There is another man that we are visiting with and his name is Keith. While I was in Edinburgh Keith stopped the sisters and told them about this website he made about his dog and their travels around the world. They told him about the church and he was willing to learn. He is so kind. He told us that he would like to learn about the church but he thinks on June 2nd he will become a member of the Church of Scotland. So we have 20 days to help him see the truth. Something I love about him is that he use to work at Disneyland and so every time we leave his flat he says "Have a magical day" with a big grin.
Friday started out not so great but ended with us gaining a stronger testimony about diligence It was raining most the morning and all that we had planned was finding. At one point we were standing in town centre and we both look at each other and said that all we want to do was get a hot chocolate and go into our cozy beds and sleep. But after we cried/laughed it off... we said we are going to work hard and make it a good day. One of the first ladies we talked to, stood in the rain and talked with us and said she would like us to teach her more. She is currently meeting with the Jehovah Witnesses. Then we went by a part-member couple and here comes the tender mercy... the wife asked us straight away if we wanted hot chocolate. It was Belgian hot chocolate and it was some of the best I have ever tasted. The Lord truly blesses us when we do what He asks us to do no matter the situation. Alright this email is getting long so I will just end with the fun day of yesterday... So one of the senior couples that work in the mission home, both of their birthdays are this week. So the staff put on a surprise birthday party for them. They invited all the missionaries in the Edinburgh Zone. It was such a blast and beautiful day. We sang for them and had a YUMMY BBQ It was fun being with lots of missionaries and just relaxing. Sister Ricks and I also got to stay the night with the sisters in Edinburgh since we had zone mtg there today. We just did finding all night in Edinburgh. I LOVE BEING IN SCOTLAND!!!!!!!! I love my mission. Hope you all made it this far in the email. Sorry it is so long. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Love you all.
Sister Nicoll
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