Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Happy are we" !!!!

Hi-ya Family and Friends,
 Well this week has been adventures I would say. But nothing too crazy! They have been trying to get us a new flat for awhile now. Mostly because Elders have been in it since 1999 and our neighbour smokes lots of fags and the smell seeps in through the sink and tub and the mattresses feel like we are sleeping on a huge pile of laundry because it is so lumpy. But it does have a nice sound system. Anyways they were able to get us a nice new posh flat! And I am in love with it. We have a couple attractive neighbours but I dont pay attention to that because I am a missionary. But this week we did a lot of cleaning a moving and are finishing it up today. There are Elders that are moving into Kilmarnock as well. So that will be fun and helpful. If you haven't figured out yet... Sister Pugh and I will be staying here another transfer. I am excited. There are loads of poeple that I love here and it will be good to finish off here.
Other good news... Billy is with a baptismal date. He is working toward the 16th of Nov. He has somethings to work out but he LOVES the gospel and church now. He has been fighting it for awhile but has had some humbling experiences. He was able to go to Irvine with us and a member on Saturday because the sisters there were having a baptism. He said it was the first time he felt the spirit while meeting with us. What better place to feel the spirit than at a baptism?!? So he is working toward this month and he knows it is very important to do. Now what has made the difference with him? A member! He has a really good relationship with a member and she has helped him a lot. Members make the difference!
Guess who I got to see this week? SISTER RICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!! I MISS AND LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! She is with the sisters in Irvine and we got to even serve together for a whole day and have 2 sleep overs! Oh how it made my week so good :)
Well looks like this will be a short email! I hope you all have a fun Halloween! Kilmarnock celebrated it last Friday but is also going to this Thursay. The more sweeties the better!
Here is a funny story for you all... We went by a former investigator and she let us in and she has a very chatty 6 year old girl. Loved her right away. Well she was asking us if we had kids. Told her no. She asked us if we have husbands. Told her no. Then in all seriousness and concern for us she told us " You need to lose this job and get some husbands" hahahah oh how i love how honest kids are :)
Lots of Love
Sister Nicoll
Pic 1) Great picture of sis ricks and I
Pic 2) sister ricks and I doing a great job cutting sis ryans hair!

Pic 3) Our district thanksgiving feast!

Monday, October 21, 2013

It can only go up from here :)

Dear Family and Friends,
Well from the title you can tell that this was a bit of a hard week as pertaining to the work. Out of the 6 people we are trying to work with right now, only one could meet with us this week. A bit rubbish but this week should be much better! This left us a lot more time to find. Which was pretty fun. There are about 5 or 6 streets that the ward prayed about for us to chap. We did it in the rain and got soaked but honestly we had a blast! I loved it. It was kind of warm rain. But it was a shame because no one really took pitty on us and let us in but one day they will. As for a funny story... I got bit by a dog. Yep I for reals did. I was slipping a card through someones letter box and the dog bit my finger. It is still sore hahaha but pretty funny. Also yesterday Dee and Kirsty from Falkirk came and visit and brought a picnic for us to have after church! It was way good seeing them. They are so nice!
It has happened.... everyone said it would but i never believed them. My last moves call is this coming sunday. WHAT!?!?! I hardly know a thing. At times I feel I have been doing this for 6 months and other days is feels like 6 years. But I am surprised how quick this last stretch is going. Now I am sure some are wondering how I feel about it, actually I know some are wondering because you have asked :) Well let me tell you... I am excited to see my family and friends. My love for you all has grown so much over the last year and a bit. And I can feel that my service as a missionary is soon up. Also a bit nervous for how life will be. I know that is normal and will get over it. BUT more than anything I am so sad. My heart has grown very fond of Ireland and Scotland and the people here. I  have seriously met some of the most amazing people. I know that, that is because God has allowed me to see many of them the way He sees them. Being a missionary I am able to tak about the Saviour and things pertaining to eternal happiness ALL THE TIME and thought it is still weird to some, it is expected as a missionary and I LOVE THAT! Yes there are still hard days but that will still be apart of this whole mortal experience but being a missionary I can forget about it and have multiple opportunities to serve others to help forget. So what I am saying is I am going to try MY BEST to make the best of the my time left as full-time missionary and not think of anything else but to bring others to Christ! I love you all and hope your week is great! I am off to go go-carting!
sister Nicoll


Monday, October 14, 2013
Hi-ya Fam and friends,

Once again this email may be a bit short. Not to say we didn't do anything
but nothing that is really oober exciting to report. But that doesn't mean
it wasn't a good week. It was a uplifting week. We had a zone meeting and
had interviews with President Brown. I am not sure if I have ever said how
much I love that man. He is a spirtiual giant and has such a great sense of
humour. I am truly blessed to be serving here at the time that he is my
mission president.
Just in short I learned a lot about attitude this week and the past month
or so. Lately I haven't had the best attitude, to be honest. I still love
doing the work but I let little things get in the way of really seeing the
joy that comes from it. I focused on things that I am lacking more than the
things that I am doing well in. As we all know that makes it hard for the
Spirit to be with me. The spirit likes to be in a positive atmosphere. So
in a couple of the last district meeting that topic was mentioned and I
brushed it off. But God knows me and keep having little things be mentioned
about attitude, til of course it got throught my head that I need to
change. Wow reading back I am making myself sound horrible. I want you all
to know that I am not a complete debby downy all the time, just every once
in a while. Anyways, I went on exchanges with Sister Passey (Sister
Training Leader) and we got on really well and started talking about
it. And she committed me to just pray for a better attitude in
specific things. HOW SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL PRAYERS ARE!!!! Now not to
say that I am positive polly now but my attitude is a lot better. So
here is where I encourage you all to look at something in your life
that you are not enjoying but you know God wants you to do. Pray for a
better attitude about it. I can promise you it works because I have
seen thise week be so much better for myself. Well I hope you all have
a fabulous week. I am off to Glasgow SCOTLAND to enjoy the day with
about 12 other sister missionaries. But I am more excited to see what
work Sister Pugh and I can accomplish this week for the Lord.
Love you all!
Sister Nicoll

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Let's get together, yeah ,yeah yeah"‏

Dearest Family and Friends,
Was Conference not the greatest thing that has happened in a while?!?!? There were 2 constant themes that I pulled out of it. Covenants and missionary work. Which go hand in hand. I love the spiritual high that comes from it! The song that comes to mind is from parent trap "Let's get together" Members and missionaries need to get together to help others feel the joy of the gospel. Pres Uchtdorf's talk was great for the reason of why we should do it. There are so many opportunities to do good while being in Christ's church. People in our lives are searching for what we have. I believe that! Let's take the challenge seriously about finding someone between now and Christmas who we can hlep feel God's love.
This week we found success chapping! SCORE! It is a mother, son and daughter. The son is 10 and is learning about Jesus in school and is loving it! The mum doesn't have much of a belief but is willing to learn. The girl is three and just likes new people coming to show her toys to :) Also two of our friends came to conference yesterday and love it! It was brilliant. One of them took our counsel and came with a question in mind. He said it is personal that no one really knows about and could answer. And who answered it for him, you may ask...? THE PROPHET OF GOD!!!! Just strengthened my testimony of a living day prophet and how they are to lead us and we can find answers through them because they are speaking from the Lord! Needless to say it was a much better week this week! I love you all and were able to enjoy conference as much as I did. Said it is my last one on the mission but serisouly was the greatest one and I am happy to have been here for it! Have a fabulous week, remembering your covenants and serving others!
Sister Nicoll